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Other Congresses and Symposiums 


Croatian International
  Europe World

Stručni sastanak hrvatskog društva za kliničku citologiju

Zadar, 7. lipanj 2002.

31st European Congress of Cytology
Paris, France, 2-5 October 2005
15th International Congress of Cytology
Santiago, Chile,11-15 April 2004
Second Croatian Congress of Clinical Cytology

Zagreb, June 11-13, 2000

30th European Congress of Cytology
Athens, Greece,12-15 October 2004
14th International Congress of Cytology

Amsterdam, May 27-31, 2001

First Croatian Congress of Clinical Cytology

Zagreb, March 12-14, 1995.

29th European Congress of Cytology
Prague, Czech Republic, 5-8 October 2003

28th European Congress of Cytology

 Antwerpen, 15. – 18. September 2002.


  27th European Congress of Clinical Cytology

Lillehammer, September, 16-19, 2000