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Postgraduate Study




The aim of the study is to introduce medical doctors, and in particular residents of clinical cytology with the foundations of this profession which has an exceptional interdisciplinary significance. Future clinical cytologists acquire specialised knowledge and skills during their residency in Clinical Cytology.

The study programme is organised so as to offer information from fundamental sciences and applications of the most recent scientific methods in cytology, which, together with professional improvement, lays  foundations for further research.

The post-graduate professional study programme is an obligatory part of the health specialization in Clinical Cytology (Regulations on Resident Education of Health Providers of the Ministry for Health of the Republic of Croatia, 1994)



Master´s  Degree



University of Zagreb, Medical School



Four semesters



Graduates of the Faculty of Medicine who have passed the state professional exam; residents of clinical cytology have priority in enrolment.



Name of Course Semester Number of Lecture Hours Number of Lecture Hours Number of Exercise Hours Total Number of Hours Number of Points
The Principles of Microscope Techniqu I 10 - - 10 1,0
Cell Biology  with Essential  Humane  Genetics I 16 4 - 20 2,0
Selected Chapters in Histology and Embryology I 16 - - 16 1,5
Selected Chapters in Pathology I ili II 34 - 12 46 6,5
Essential Clinical Cytology I 15 7 - 22 3,5
Gynecological  Cytology I i II 39 23 8 70 11,0
Hematological Cytology I i II 30 20 8 58 9,0
Pulmonological  Cytology I i II 16 20 4 40 6,5
Endocrinological Cytology II 16 12 4 32 5,0
Gastroenterological Cytology II 10 7 3 20 4,0
Urological Cytology II 10 3 3 16 3,5
Selected Chapters in Clinical Cytology II 12 12 - 24 4,5
Professional Paper or Master´s Degree Thesis III ili IV - - - - -
Total 224 108 42 374 58,0




Name of Head

Nikola Ljubešić, M.D., Ph.D.



The first


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 10 (points: 1,0)


Contents of Course

Theoretical foundations of the light-microscopy. Magnifying glass and assembled microscope. The Abbe´s theory about the origin of picture in microscope. The power of differentiation and magnification. Practical handling with microscope. Phaso-contrasting, polarizational, fluorescent, laser "scanning" (LSM) and differentially interferential microscopes. A microscope with reflecting light and obscure range of sight. Theoretical foundations of electron microscopy (TEM, SEM, STEM). A short description of the basic preparative methods in electron microscopy. Geometrical measuring in microscopy. Microphotography, microprojection and usage of television and video equipment (VEC, AVEC). Foundations for image analysis.



Varićak B. Mikroskop: Teorijske osnove praktične mikroskopije. Zagreb              

                                       (više raznih izdanja)

Bradbury S. An Introduction to the Optical Microscopy. Revised Edition,

                    Oxford University Press, 1989.

Robards AW, Wilson AJ. Procedures in Electron Microscopy.

                                          John Wiley&Sons Ltd, 1993.

Gerlach D. Das Lichtmikroskop, 2. uberarbeitete Auflage, Georg Thieme

                   Verlag, Stuttgart, New York, 1985.

Reimer L. Transmission Electron microscopy, 4th edition, Springer

                  Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1997.

Bancroft JD, Stevens A. Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques, 4th edition,

                                        Churcill Livingstone, New York, 1996.


Manner of Examination

Oral exam                           





Name of Head

Draško Šerman, M.D., Ph.D.



The first


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 16, seminars 4 (points: 2.0)


Contents of Course

Methods of cell examination.  Cells of prokaryotae and eukaryotae. The information and energy flow in a cell. Molecular biology and organisation of genetic material.

E u k a r y o t i c   c e l l: The nucleus, chromatin, DNK, nucleolus, NOR, various RNK, histones. The structure and function of DNK: replication and activity of genes (copying),  introns- exons, processing of pre-mRNK, hnRNK. The cell membrane system, cell membrane, nucleus integumentum. Endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, proteinic syntesis (transfer). Golgi´s complex, lysosomes, peroxisomes, cytoskeleton and cytosol: glycolysis, cytosol  receptors, nucleocytoplasmic interactions. The role of steroid hormones, cytosol and nuclear receptors. Mitochondrion; the energy flow, Krebs´ cycle, oxidative phosphorilation, ATP, mitochondrial DNK and particularities of proteinic syntesis. Chloroplast, similarities and differences.

P r o k a r y o t i c    c e l l:  The nucleotide, regulation of genetic activity: operon of lactose and histidine. Promoters, repressors, operators, terminators and atenuators, polycistronic mRNK. Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Bacterial genetics and development of molecular genetics.

The life cycle of a cell: interphase - division: mitosis, meiosis. Chromosomes (metaphasic, "lamp-brush" - and polyethene chromosomes). Reproductional biology, gametogenesis, insemination, growth, differentiation and morphogenesis, embryo, fetus, newborn. Transplatation of nuclei, genomic imprint, DNK methylation and regulation of transcription. Differentiation of erythrocytes: embryonal, fetal and grown-up hemoglobins, normal and abnormal hemoglobins. Mutations; in genes, number and structure of chromosomes. Mutagenesis, cancerogenesis and teratogenesis: ecotoxicology. Oxygen free radicals: inflammation, mutagenesis, cancerogenesis.

F o u n d a t i o n s   o f   h u m a n e   g e n e t i c s: Humane gentics, medical genetics and clinical genetics. Molecular biology in medical practice. One gene -  one enzyme. Inborn metabolism abnormalities. Human caryotype, stripping of chromosomes, Q stripes - densitometry. The map of human genes: healthy and sick ones, X chromosome, Y chromosome. The map of human oncogenes and tumor of surpressing genes. The project of human genoma, trinucleotidyl recidives, length polymorphism of restrictional fragments, minisatellite DNK - fingers´ imprints. Fighting the cancer: American and European strategies and success/failure in the attempt to fight the cancer (proved treating methods versus preventions). Cytostatics as medicines with mutagenic and cancerogenic activitiy. Carcinogenesis is multigradual process; large intestine cancer. The interceptors of a carcinogene - desmutagenic. Your strategy of the cancer defence.


Teaching Assistants

D. Solter, M.D., Ph.D.,   V. Crnek, M.D., Ph.D.,, 

 F. Bulić, M.D., Ph.D.,,   H. Vlahović, M.D., Ph.D.

 M. Heffer-Lauc, M.D., Ph.D.,



Šerman D.  Mehanizmi genetske kontrole. U: Zergollern Lj, ur. Humana

                    genetika. 3. izd. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 1994.

Polšek D, Pavelić K (ur). Društveni značaj genske tehnologije. Institut

                                         društvenih znanosti "Ivo Pilar", Zagreb, 1999.

Lewin B. Genes VII, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999.

Solter D. Cloning and embryonic stem cells: a new era in human biology

                and medicine. Croatian MedJ 40: 309-318, 1999.

Šerman D (ur.) Molekularna biologija (skripta). Zavod za biologiju

                         Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2000


Manner of Examination

Oral exam.





Name of Head

Ljerka Banek, M.D., Ph.D.



The first


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 16 (points 1,5)


Contents of Course

Histological structure of hematopoietic system and mesenchymal origin. Yolk-suck, blood islands, endothelium of blood vessels, embryonal liver, bone-marrow. The structure of lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen and thymus. General review of embryonal development of respiratory system .The structure of nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. The ultrastructure of lung alveoli. The blood-air barrier. Pleura. Histological structure of ovaries, oviduct, matrix, vagina, vulva The functional changes of these organs during  generative female age and in the post-menopause. The development of lactic gland, changes in the structure of lactic gland during generative female age and in the menopause. The testis structure. Ductuli seminiferi. Sertoli and Leydig´s cells. Endocrine and paracrine regulation of spermatogenesis. Histological testis picture in different functional damages. General review of digestive tube with special attention paid to sub-microscopic structure of stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas. Embryonal development, structure and ultrastructure of thyroid gland. Histophysiology of thyroid gland in experimental environment.


Co-assistants in Teaching

Ž. Bradamante, M.D., Ph.D.   Đ. Grbeša, M.D., Ph.D.

  R. Pezerović-Panijan, M.D., Ph.D.,

Lj. Kostović Knežević, M.D., Ph.D.



Fawcett DW. A Textbook of Histology. 12. izd. New York:

                       Chapman&Hall, 1994.

Sadler TW. Langman´s Medical Embryology. 7. izd. Baltimore:

                   Williams and Wilkins, 1995.

Selected articles of national and foreign authors.

Junqueira LC, Carneiro J, Junqueira LC, Kelly RO. Basic Histology,

                        9th ed., Lange, 1998.

Cormack DH. Clinically Integrated Histology, Lippincott Williams&

                        Wilkins, 1998.

Kerr JB Atlas of Functional Histology, Mosby, 1999.

Burkitt HG. Wheater´s Functional Histology; A Text and Colour Atlas,

                     Churcill livingstone, 2000.

Moore KL., Persuad TVN. The Developing Human. Clinically Oriented

                      Embriology, 6th ed., Saunders, 1998.


Manner of Examination

A written essay






Name of Head

Šimun Križanac, M.D., Ph.D.



The first and second


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 34, exercises 12 (points 6,5)


Contents of Course

L u n g    a n d    m e d i a s t i n u m   d i s e a s e s

The morphological lung changes in AIDS, neoplasms of lung, pleura and mediastinum, neuroendocrine neoplasms.


D i s e a s e s   o f    b l o o d    a n d    h e m a t o p o i e t i c    o r g a n s

Bone-marrow histology. Lymph node: non- malignant and malignant diseases.


D i g e s t a l    t r a c t    d i s e a s e s

Esophagus: Barrett´s esophagus, premalignant lesions, malignant lesions.

Stomach: helicobacter pylori, chronic active gastritis, MALT - MALTOMI, intestinal metaplasia, possibility for differentiation of dysplasia from neoplasia in stomach mucus, ulcus disease, stomach neoplasm (expressions of oncogenic markers)

Pancreas tumors (of benign, malignant structures in pancreas)

Liver: iatrogenic lesions of liver parenchyma, chronic inflammatory liver diseases, virus markers and ISH virus, liver tumors.

Intestines: polyp - sequence carcinoma (indication of disturbed oncogenic expression).


P a t h o l o g y   of   f e m a l e   g e n i t a l    t r a c t

Perineum, vulva, vagina: non-neoplasmic changes, condylomae, VIN, VAIN, invasive carcinoma - division and procedure.

Uterine cervix: the inflammytory role of reserve cells and metaplasia in the growth of CIN, CIN, microinvasive carcinoma - division and procedure.

Uterine body: functional endometria and hormonal changes of endometria. Metaplasia, hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma. Neoplasms of mesenchymal origin. Division and procedure.

Ovaries, oviduct and peritoneum: non-neoplasmic changes, primary and secondary ovarian neoplasms, neoplasmic markers. Division and procedure of ovarian neoplasms. Endosalpingiosis, endometriosis. Benign and malignant neoplasms of peritoneum and oviduct. The procedure.


B r e a s t   p a t h o l o g y

The proliferative changes in breast, in situ carcinoma, invasive carcinoma, fibroadenoma and phyllode breast tumors.


E n d o c r i n e   g l a n d   p a t h o l o g y

Diffusive coloid thyroid gland struma. Nodose struma. Graves´ disease. Hashimoto and De Quervain thyreoditis. Benign and malignant neoplasms.


P a t h o l o g y   o f   u r i n a r y   t r a c t   a n d   m a l e  g e n i t a l 

c e l l s:

Iinflammations, benign and atypic hyperplasia and prostate neoplasms.

Inflammations and neoplasms in seminals.

Inflammations and neoplasms of kidneys and ureter.

Inflammations and neoplasms of urinary bladder, urinary tube and male member.


P a t h o l o g y    o f   l o c o m o t o r   s y s t e m  a n d   s o f t   t i s s u e s

Neoplasms of bone-marrow and soft tissues. Neoplasms of non-explained histogenesis. DNA analysis, radiology. The role of biopsy in diagnostics and preoperational evaluation. The significance of immunohistochemistry as a diagnostical procedure.


Teaching Assistants

M. Belicza, M.D., Ph.D.   S. Seiwerth, M.D.,Ph.D.,,

S. Jukić,M.D.,Ph.D.         D.Ljubanović,M.D.,       V.Šeparović,M.D.,Ph.D.  

M.Šćukanec-Špoljar, M.D.,Ph.D.           J. Jakić-Razumović, M.D.,Ph.D.,



Kurman RJ. Blaustein´s Pathology of the Female Genital Tract.

                    New York - Berlin - Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1994

GompleC, Silverberg SG. Pathology in Gynecology and Obstetrics.

                    Philadelphia: JB Lippincott Company, 1994.

Jukić S. and alt. Patologija ženskog spolnog sustava. Zagreb: AGM, 1999.

Elaine S. Jaffe: Surgical Pathology of the Lymph Nodes and Related

                         Organs; WB Saunder Comp, 1995

Dail DH, Hammar JP. Pulmonary Pathology. New York: Springer Verlag, 1997

Tavassoli SA. Pathology of the Breast, Appleton and Lange. Stanford,

                       Connecticut, 1999

Damjanov I. Linder J. Anderson´s Pathology. 10 ed. Philadelphia:

                            The CC Mosby company, 1995

Livosi VA. Surgical Pathology of the Thyroid. Philadelphia:

                   WB Saunders Company, 1990

Ming SC. Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract; Williams and Wilkins


Scheurer Pj. Liver Biopsy Interpretation. 3. ed. London: Bailler Tindall, 1997

Churg J. Sobin LH. Renal Disease. Classification and Atlas of Glomeular          

                   Diseases. New York: Igaku-Shoin, 1982

Churg J. Cotran RS, Sinniah R, Sahaguchi H, Sobin LH. Renal Disease.

               Classification and Atlas of tubulo-interstitial Diseases New York;

                Igaku-Shion, 1995

Churg J, Heptinstall RH, Olsen TS, Sobin LH. Renal Disease, New York:

                      Igaku Shion, 1987

Cotran RS Kumar VK, Collins T, Robbins Sl. Pathologic basis of Disease.

                       6th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company, 1999

Enzinger FM. Weiss SV. Soft Tissue Tumors. 2.ed. Washington: Mosby

                                         company, 1994

Noltenius H. Human oncology. Pathology and Clinical Characteristics, 2.ed. Baltimore: Urban and Schwarzenberg, 1998


- International Journal of Gynecological Pathology (New York)

- International Journal of Gynecological Cancer (Cambridge)

- Blood (Duluth)

- Histopathology (Oxford)

- Lung (New York)

- Cancer (philadelphia)

- Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (Hague)

- Gastroenterology (Philadelphia)

- American Journal of Surgical Pathology (New York)

- Gut (London)


Manner of  Examination

A written exam and identification of 10 histologic preparations after completing the course.





Name of Head

Silvana Audy-Jurković, M.D., Ph.D.



The first


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 15, seminars 7 (points: 3,5)


Contents of Course

Introduction. The definition, historical development, indications, advantages, diagnostical value of clinical cytology, organisation of a cytological laboratory and control of working quality.

Techniques of obtaining and processing biological material for cytological analysis.  Fine-needle aspiration (of superficial organs and other superficial formations,  palpable and non-palpable abdominal organs and formations, intrathoracal organs and formations, body cavities, bone-marrow); smear (mucus, skin); excretion (urine, sputum); imprint (of excised tissue); lavation (of body cavities, bronchi, bladder etc.). Appliances for collecting a specimen: aspirational needles, smear, spatula, brush etc. Equipment for targeted specimen collection: endoscopes, ultrasound, CT, EM. Types of specimens: aspirated fragments, smear, piece of excised tissue, excretion, washing. Preparation of specimens for cytologic analysis: type of preparation (smear, imprint, sediment, suspension); fixative type (for standard stainings according to Pappenheim - MGG and Papanicolaou, for different  cytochemical and immunocytochemical stainings, for DNK cytometry and in situ hybridization); stainings (supravital, standard, cytochemical, immunological phenotyping.

Analysis of processed material and procedures used in clinical cytology. The approach to a cell analysis and cytologic smear analysis. Non-stained, supravitally, standardly, cytochemically and immunocytochemically stained smears. Digital processing of  cytological picture. Molecular diagnostics. Cytogenetics. Flow cytometry. Ways of expressing cytologic results (description, cytologic diagnosis and classifications) and interpretation.

Clinico-laboratory correlation and procedure.Indications for application of particular diagnostical procedures. The completeness and competability of cytological and histological diagnostics. Rationalization of a diagnostic procedure. Efficiency of examinations in certain branches of clinical medicine. The role of team work in rendering the diagnosis.


Teaching Assistants

D. Batinić, M.D.,Ph.D.,    I. Črepinko, M.D., Ph.D.  

M. Halbauer, M.D., ph.D.,prim.      V. Hitrec, M.D., Ph.D. 

I. Kardum-Skelin, M.D., M.S.         V. Mahovlić, M.D., M.S.

M.Marković-Glamočak, M.D., Ph.D.   A.Ovanin-Rakić, M.D., M.S.

Silvana Smojver, M.D., M.S.          Trutin Ostović, M.D., M.S.

A. Vince, M.D., Ph.D.



Bibbo M., ur. Comprehensive Cytopathology. Philadelphia:

                      WB Saunders Company, 1997

Cardozo PL. Atlas of Clinical Cytopathology Weinheim:

                     Edition Medizin, 1973

Koss LG. Diagnostic Cytology and Its Histopathologic Bases.

                4 izd. Philadelphia: Lippincott Company, 1992.                                     

Črepinko I, Hauptmann E. Citodijagnostika. Medincinska enciklopedija,

                      I. dopunski svezak. Zagreb: JLZ, 1976: 95-104

Ivić J. Citodijagnostika. Medicinska enciklopedija, I. dopunski svezak.

           Zagreb: JLZ, 1974: 104-7

Audy-Jurković S. Citološka klasifikacija cerviksa uterusa. Medicinska

                        enciklopedija, II. dopunski svezak. Zagreb: JLZ, 1986:93

Ivić J, Audy-Jurković S. Citološka dijagnoza upala uzrokovanih

         mikroorganizmima  onkogenog i teratogenog potencijala.

          Medicinska enciklopedija, II. dopunski svezak. Zagreb: JLZ,

           1986: 93-94

Juretić A, Boban D, Čvorišćec D, Krajina Z, Labar B, Marković-

           Glamočak M, Sučić M. Citokemija i imunocitokemija u kliničkoj

            citologiji. Zagreb: Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1992

Melamed MR, Lindmo Z, Mendelsohn ML. Flow Citometry and Sorting.

             2. izd. New York: Wiley-Liss Inc. Boca Raton CRC Press, 1989

Baak JPA. Manual of Quantative Pathology in Cancer

                 Diagnosis&Prognosis. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1991: 382-95

Stavljenić-Rukavina A, Batinić D. Protočna citometrija u kliničko-

                laboratorijskoj dijagnostici. Klinički zavod za laboratorijsku

                dijagnostiku KBC zagreb, 1997 

Labar B, Hauptmann E. Hematologija. Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1999


- Acta Cytologica (St. Louis)

- Diagnostic Cytopathology (New York)

- Analytical and Quantative Cytology (St. Louis)

- Cancer (Philadelphia)

- American Journal of Clinical Pathology (New York)

- Applied Immunohistochemistry (Philadelphia)

- Immunology (Oxford)

- Cytometry (New York)

Doctoral  and master´s degree theses of national authors in the field of cytology.

Proceedings of national and international  conferences.


Manner of Examination:

Oral exam



Name of Head

Silvana Audy-Jurković, M.D., Ph.D.



The first and second


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 39, seminars 23, exercises 8, (points: 11,0)


Contents of course

The development of gynecological cytology.

Indications for cytological analyses. Advantages, diagnostical values and clinical usage of cytology.

Specimen types, collecting and processing methods; the role of clinicians in determination of sensibility of cytologic analysis.

The application of cytologic, cytochemical and immunocytochemical staining methods, as well as the methods of molecular biology in gynecological cytology.

Cytomorphologics of normal cells of vulva, vagina, uterine cervix, endometryia, tube,  ovaries

A cytohormonic picture of vaginal epithelium from the  fetal phase to post-menopause, including pregnancy, puerperium and lactation, and in endocrinologic disturbances and hormonal application. The cytohormonal changes on endometria).

Cytology of  amniotic liquid, determination of gestation period  and early breaking of amnion.

The tests for determination of X and Y chromosomes.

Cytology of inflammation and  inflammatory agents including determination of cleanness in a gynecological clinic.

Benign proliferative changes.

Epidemiology of cancer in female genital organs.

The cytomorphological criteria in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of primary malignant tumors and their pre-stages, metastases and metastatic tumors. The significance of cytology in secondary prevention of malignant tumors, clinical graduation of malignant processes and determination of the surgery operation range.

Cytological control of treated patients (surgery operation, radiation, chemotherapeutics, hormones).

Clinical pictures, diagnostical methods and procedures, clinical classifications and treatment of diseases in the female genital tract.

The classification of cytological findings. The role of clinical information in final cytological diagnosis and opinion. The team work with special stress on clinico-cytologic-histologic comparison.


Teaching Assistants

D.Buković, M.D.,Ph.D.     A.Batinica-Grgurević, M.D.,M.S.  

I.Kuvačić, M.D.,Ph.D.       N.Ljubojević, M.D.,Ph.D.,  

V.Mahovlić, M.D.,M.S.     B.Molnar-Stantić, M.D.  

A. Ovanin-Rakić, M.D.,M.S.   M.Strnad,M.D., Ph.D., prim.

V.Šimunić,M.D.,Ph.D.,      Đ.Šips, M.D.



Zajiček J. Aspiration Biopsy Cytology. Part2: Cytology of

                 Infradiaphragmatic Organs. Basel: S.Karger, 1979: 38-103

Soost HJ, Baur S. Gynaekologische Zytodiagnostik. Stuttgart:

                              Georg Thieme   Verlag, 1990

Koss LG. Diagnostic Cytology and Its Histopathologic Bases. 4.izd.

                 Philadelphia: J B Lippincott Company 1992: 251-686

Singer Z. Priručnik za ginekološku citologiju. 2.izd. Zagreb: vlast nakl,


Ivić J, Audy-Jurković S. Vaginalna citologija u trudnoći. U: Dražančič i

                 sur.. Porodništvo. Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1994: 32-7

Ivić J, Audy-Jurković S. Citologija amnijske tekućine. U: Dražančić i sur.

                 Porodništvo. Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1994: 139-41

Audy-Jurković S, Ivić J. Citodijagnostika epitelnih atipija vrata maternica.

                 U: Dražančić i sur. Porodništvo. zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1994:


Bibbo M, ur. Comprehensive Cytopathology. Philadelphia: WB Saundars 

                  Company, 1997: 93-323

Eljuga D, Dražančić A i sur. Prevencija i dijagnostika tumora ženskih

                   spolnih organa. Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus, 1998


- Gynecologia et perinatologia, Zagreb

Selection from the literature listed in the course "Essential Clinical


Singer A, Monaghan JM. Lower Genital Tract Precancer. Colposcopy,

                    Pathology and Treatment. 2nd ed. Blackwell Science Ltd, 

                    Oxford 2000


Manner of Examination

Oral exam





Name of Head

Željka Znidarčić, M.D., Ph.D.,



The first and second


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 30, seminars 20, exercises 8, (points. 9,0)


Contents of Course

The historical development of cytology.

Cytological significance and position in the routine and research work in hematology.

The indications for cytological FNA of bone marrow, lymph node, spleen and liver.

The methods of specimen collecting, its preparation and processing.

The application of cytochemical, immunocytochemical, molecular and cytogenetical analyses in hematology.

Normal development of hematopoietic cells (immunopoiesis, myelopoiesis). The structure, differentiation and maturation of lymphocytic system. The differentiation and maturation of myelopoiesis cells (erythropoiesis, granulopoiesis and thrombopoiesis).

The cytological and phenotypic characteristics of normal hematopoietic cells in the  maturation  chain.

Cell cultures in vitro, factors of growth.

Morphological characteristics of non-malignant disturbances of cell myelopoiesis (anemia, anomalies and disturbances of granulocytes, monocytes and macrophages, disturbances in morphology and number of thrombocytes). Classification and morphological characteristics of  stem cell diseases (aplastic  anemia, isolated aplasia of the red lineage, myelodisplastic syndrome, chronic myeloproliferative syndrome).

Non-malignant diseases of immunopoietic cells (morphologic and phenotypic particularities of lymphocyte and plasma cells in different compartments of lymphocytic system: peripheral blood, bone-marrow, lymph node).

Neoplastic diseases of lymphocytic system: leukemic forms of chronic lymphoproliferative diseases, Hodgin and Non-Hodgkin malignant lymphomas, immunoproliferative diseases (morphologic, phenotypic, genotypic and cinetical features).

Histiocytoses, parasites, "strange" cells (metastatic tumors) in bone- marrow.

Acute leukemia (classification, morphology, cytochemical, immunophenotypic and genotypic characteristics). The spleen diseases. Morphological changes in bone-marrow and peripheral blood in patients with bone-marrow transplatation.

The clinico-cytological correlation.


Teaching Assistants

D.Boban, M.D.,prim                  B.Jakšić, M.D.,Ph.D.

I.Kardum-Skelin, M.D.,M.S.     M.Sučić, M.D.,Ph.D.



Hauptmann E, Črepinko I. Osnove kliničke hematologije. Zagreb:

                   Školska knjiga 1991

Jakšić B, Labar B, Grgičević D. Hematologija i transfuziologija.

                   Zagreb: Jumena, 1998

Williams WJ. Hematology. 5.izd. New York: MC Graw-Hill, 1995

Hoffbrand AV, Petitt JE. Clinical Haematology - Sandoz Atlas.

                    Basel: Sandoz LTD, 1988

Dilip KD. Lymph Nodes. U: Bibbo, ur. Comprehensive Cytopathology.

                    Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company, 1991: 671-702

Lennert K. Histopathology of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Feller AC,

                    Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1990

Labar B, Hauptmann E: Hematologija. Zagreb: Školska knjiga 1998

Eraldson RA: Diagnostic Transmission Electron Microscopy of Tumors.

                    Raven  Press New York 1994

Schumacher HR, Nand S. Myelodysplastic syndromes.

                    New York&Tokyio: Igaku-Shoin, 1995

Harris NL, Jaffe ES, Diebold J, Flandrin G, Muller-Hermelink HK,

                     Varidman J, Lister TA, Bloomfield CD. The World Health

                      Organization classification of neoplastic diseases of the

                      haemotopoetic and lymphoid tissues: report of the Clinical

                      Advisory Committee Meeting, Airlie House, Virginia,

                      November 1997. Histiopathology 2000; 36, 69-87


- Blood (Duluth)

- Haematology Pathology (New York)

Selection from the literature listed in the "Essential Clinical Cytology" course


Manner of Examination

Oral exam.





Name of Head

Mladen Pavlović, M.D., Ph.D.



The first and second


Number of Study  Hours

Lectures 16, seminars 20, exercises 4, (points 6,5)


Contents of Course

The role and value of cytodiagnostics in pulmonology.

Types of material and collecting procedures. Material processing and specimen preparation. New methods and their application.

Cytomorphology of respiratory system cells (upper and lower lung), pleura, other intrathoracic organs and tissues.

The cytomorphological features  of the respiratory system, pleura, mediastinum diseases. Atypia, proliferations, metaplasia and premalignant changes of respiratory system epithelium. The cytodiagnostics of pleural effusions. The cytomorphology of benign and malignant tumors of bronchi, lungs, pleura, mediastinum. The cytodiagnostics of secondary tumors of the same localizations. Intraoperational cytodiagnostics. Cytodiagnostics in controlling  therapeutical effects. Posttherapeutical changes (irradiation, cytostatics) in normal and tumorous cells. Cytological findings (false positive and false negative results).

The clinico-laboratory and cyto-histological correlation.


Teaching Assistants

M.Roglić, M.D., prim           S.Smojver-Ježek, M.D., M.S.



Johnston WW. Respiratory cytology. U: Bibbo, ur. Comprehensive

             Cytopathology. Philadelphia:WB Saunders Company,1991:320-98

Naib ZM: Cytopathology. Boston, Little, Brawn and Co, 1996

Young JA. Colour Atlas of Pulmonary Cytopathology. New York:

             Harvey  Miller Oxford University Press, 1985.

Selection from the literature listed in the "Essential Clinical Cytology" course.


Manner of Examination

Oral exam.







Name of Head

Zdenko Škrabalo, M.D., Ph.D.



The second


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 16, seminars 12, exercises 4, (points: 5,0)


Contents of course


The incidence of fibrocystic breast changes and breast carcinoma,  and their correlation. The risk factors. The history of breast FNA. The possible damaging effect of the breast FNA.

E x f o l i a t i v e   b r e a s t   c y t o d i a g n o s t i c s: The material collection for analysis, (secretion, scarificate), macroscopic and microscopic secretion appearance. Subareolar abscess, inflammation of Montgomery´s gland, the appearance of mammilla in eczema, and M.Paget.

A s p i r a t i o n a l   b r e a s t   d i a g n o s t i c s: The indication and  mode of FNA without and under the ultrasound control. Morphological picture of  breast tissue, inflammatory changes, necrosis of fat tissue, fibrocystic changes with and without proliferation and atypia, fibroadenoma, macrocysts and carcinoma. The analysis and interpretations of breast nodes after non-radical surgeries (radiated benign and  malignant cells). Tumor markers determined in the serum and/or aspirated breast fragments by immunocytochemistry or by techniques of molecular biology. Morphological changes in the breast during puberty, in adolescents and young women, in pregnancy, and in complementary hormonal  treatment.

Metastases into the breast. Metastases of the breast carcinoma into lymph nodes, skin, bone-marrow and other organs. The breast diseases in male-gynecomastia and carcinoma.

Team work for  breast diseases. The comparison of cytologic and pathohistological findings.


The function of thyroid gland, paraphysiological bases of disturbances, diagnostical procedures of detecting  pathological processes. The role of clinical cytology in  diagnostics of thyroid gland diseases. The techniques of performing the thyroid FNAs  without and under the ultrasound control.

Cytological parametres of unchanged thyroid gland, inflammations and tumors (adenoma, Huerthle´s tumors, differentiated, non-differentiated and anaplastic carcinomas, medullary carcinomas, mixed thyroid  tumors and lymphomas,  metastasis of malignant tumors into thyroid gland and metastasis of thyroid  carcinoma into lymph nodes).

The usage of computerized morphometric analysis of a cell picture. The clinico-laboratory correlation of thyroid  disease diagnostics.

The parathormone and basic ideas about functional state of parathyroid glands. The role of clinical cytology and other diagnostical techniques in detection of localization, size and pathologic changes of parathyroid glands. The parathyroid FNAs controlled by ultrasound. Material processing (standard, cytochemical and immunocytochemical staining methods and computerized morphometric analysis of a cell picture).

Interpretation of cytological findings of  aspirated parathyroid  tissues. The quantitative and qualitative changes of cytological parametres in adenoma, hyperplasia and carcinoma of parathyroid glands. The clinico-laboratory correlation.


Differentiation and development of the male reproductional system.

The function of testicles in adulthood (spermatogenesis, spermiogenesis and hormonogenesis). The disturbances in functions and infertility in males.

Diagnostical methods in processing the infertility (cytomorphology, cytogenetics, hormones, immunology, biochemistry and microbiology).

Therapeutical procedures (pharmacotherapy, surgery, medically assisted inseminations, intracorporal and extracorporal).

Cytomorphological analysis of ejaculate and urethra. The macroscopic (appearance, colour, consistency, volume and pH) and microscopic examinations (concetration and number of sperms, vitality, flexibility, HOS test, sperm morphology, other cellular elements). CASA techniques (computer assisted sperm analysis). The criteria of the World Health Organization. The techniques of isolation of kinetically and morphologically better sperms (density gradients and swim-up).

Testicle cytology in examinations of male infertility. Material obtaining techniques. The cytological picture of testicles in oligozoospermia and in azoospermia (secretory and excretory). Testicle inflammations and tumors in cytological slides. Clinico-laboratory correlations in examination and treatment of male infertility.


Teaching Assistants

P. Cvitković, M.D.,                             M.Halbauer, M.D., Ph.D., prim

M.Marković-Glamočak, M.D.,Ph.D.   I.Kardum-Skelin, M.D., M.S.

P. Romac, B.S. in Biology., M.S.



Silverman JF.Breast, U: Bibbo M (ur), Comprehensive Cytopathology,

                  Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company, 1997: 731-780

Zajiček J. Breast. U: Zajiček J. Aspiration Biopsy Cytology, part I.

                  Cytology Supradiafragmatic of Organs, Basel: S.Karger, 1974:


Bibbo M.Abati A. The uniform approach to breast fine-needle aspiration

                Acta Cytol 1996; 40: 1119-1126

Sinham SK, Singh uR, Bhatia A. C-erb B2 oncoprotein expression.

            Correlation with Ki-67 labeling index and AgNOR counts in breast

            carcinoma on fine needle aspiration cytology, Acta Cytol. 1996;

            40: 1216-1220    

 Albert U, Duda V, Hađi P. Imprint cytology of core needle biopsy

              specimens of breast lesions: a rapid approach to detecting

              malignancies with comparison of cytologic histopathologic

               analyses of 173 cases, Acta Cytol. 2000;44: 57-62

Droesse M. Aspirationzytologie der Schilddruese, Stuttgart: Schattauer,


Eraldson RA. Thyroid Gland Neoplasms, U: RA Eraldson. Diagnostic

                Transmission Electron Mycroscopy of Tumors, new York:

                 Raven Press, 1994: 797-801

Galera-Davidson H. Gonzalez-Campora R. Thyroid. U: Bibbo M(ur),

                 Comprehensive Cytopathology, Philadelphia: WB Saunders

                 Company, 1997: 673-701

Naib Z.M. The Thyroid Gland, U: Zuher M.Naib, Cytopathology, Boston

                  -London: Little, Brown and Company, 1995: 517-535

Hargreave TB (ur), Male Infertility, London: Springer Verlag, 1994

Dieckmann KP, Skakkebaek NE. Carcinoma in situ of testis: review of

                  biological and clinical features. Int.J Cancer, 1999; 83: 815-22

Cheville JC. Classification and pathology of testicular germ cell and sex

                  cord-stromal tumors, Urol Clin North Amer, 1999; 26: 595-609

Papić Ž, Čolak B. Škrabalo Z. Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of

                  testicles, Diab Croat 1999; 28: 113-121

Cvitković P, Čolak B, i sur. Pristup neplodnosti u muškarca, Medicus

                  1999; 8: 193-206

Suggested magazines:

- Thyroid (New York) ISSN 1050-7256

- European Urology, Basel, ISSN 0302-2338

-Fertility and Sterility Birmingam, Alabama ISSN 0015-0282

-Breast, London ISSN 09609776

Selection from the literature listed in the "Essential clinical cytology" course


Manner of Examination

Oral exam.



Name of Head

Branko Papa, M.D., Ph.D.



The second


Number of Hours

Lectures 10, seminars 7, exercises 3, (points:4,0)


Contents of course

The cytological diagnostics value in gastroenterology.

Types of specimen  (aspirated fragment, smear, washing) and the techniques for obtainig material (targeted by endoscope, ultrasound, CT and EM).

The value of complementary diagnostical procedures in gastroenterological diagnostics: cytochemistry, immunocytochemistry, kinetics and molecular biology.

Cytomorphology of esophagus epithelial cells. Inflammatory changes (possibility of morphologic identification of specific agents). Barret´s esophagus. Premalignant lesions and tumors.

Cytomorphology of stomach cells. Inflammatory changes in cells and possibilities of morphologic identification of  agents - Helicobacter pylori. Atrofic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, dysplastic changes. Cytomorphological criteria of premalignant and malignant epithelial lesions. Malignant lymphomas - MALTOMI.

Normal cytomorphology of colon mucus. Inflammatory changes in cells - of bacterial, virus, viral and parasitic etiology and in chronic idiopathic intestinal diseases. Malignant diseases of small and large intestine (carcinoma, lymphomas, enterochromaphilic tumors).

Cytomorphological characteristics of normal liver cells. Cytomorphology of inflammatory and chronic-degenerative liver changes. Primary and metastatic tumors.

Cytomorphology of normal gall-bladder cells, inflammatory and malignant lesions.

Cytomorphology  of exocrine and endocrine parts of pancreas cells. Inflammatory changes (acute and chronic). Pseudocystic lesions. Benign and malignant pancreas tumors (cystadenomas, tumors of endocrine part,  carcinomas).

The clinico-cytological correlation. The competitiveness of cytological and histological findings in gastroenterological cytology.


Teaching Assistants

M.Barišić, M.D.    T.Jeren, M.D., Ph.D.   I.Kardum-Skelin, M.D., M.S.

M.Katičić, M.D., Ph.D.   S.Smojver-Ježek,M.D., M.S.



Geisinger KR. Alimentary Tract. U: Bibbo M,ur. Comprehensive

           Cytopathology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company, 1997: 413-44

Tao Liang-Che. Liver and Pancreas. U: Bibbo M, ur. Comprehensive

            Cytopathology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company, 1997:


Zuher MN. The Digestive Tract. U: Cytopathology. Little, Brown and

             Company, 1995: 311-348

Zuher MN. The Pancreas. U: Cytopathology. Little, Brown and Company

              1995: 363-376

Zuher MN. The Liver. U: Cytopathology. Little, Brown and Company,

               1995: 376-394

Erlandson RA. Diagnostic Transmission Electron Microscopy of Tumors.

               New York: Raven Press, 1994


Katičić M, Presečki V: Helicobacter pylori Izazov za medicinu. Zagreb:

                MGC Klovićevi Dvori, 1996


- Gastroenterology (Philadelphia)

Selection from the literature listed in the "Essential Clinical Cytology"course


Manner of Examination

Oral exam.





Name of Head

Željka Znidarčić, M.D., Ph.D.



The second


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 10, seminars 3, exercises 3 (points: 3,5)


Contents of course

The possibilities of cytodiagnostical application in urological practice.

A cytological urinary examination - indications, technical preparation of urine.

The urothelial structure and the appearance of urothelial cells in urinary sediment.

The benign urotract diseases - kidney cysts, stones, inflammations (acute, subacute, chronic, specific-bacterial, viral, malacoplakia).

Hematuria - the appearance of erythrocytes in urine sediment. Urothelial atypia - cytological characteristics and significance in diagnostics. Premalignant urothelial conditions - dyskaryosis.  CIS, urothelial carcinoma. The characteristics of papillary urothelial tumors. Other urotract tumors - squamous, adenocarcinoma. The appearance of tubular kidney epithelium in urinary sediment. Renal tumors - classification and cytological characteristics, renal FNA techniques. Other materials for cytological researches - urethra secretion, separative urine from urether, washing of urinary bladder. Other techniques for urinary examination - flow citometry, genetic examinations. Inflammatory pathohistology, benign and atipic hyperplasia (stages). Prostate cancer - classification, differentional diagnosis of atypic hyperplasia and highly differentiated carcinoma. Other prostate tumors. The role of cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry in prostate disease diagnostics - tumor markers. Morphometric examinations.


Teaching Assistants

I. Kraljić, M.D., Ph.D.,      K.Trutin Ostović, M.D.,M.S.



Kern WH. Urinary Cytology. U: Bibbo M, ur. Comprehensive

                 Cytopathology. Philadelphia: WB: Saunders Company

                  (sec.ed.) 1997: 445-76

Shoog L, Myk-Tani E, Loewhagen T. Prostate. U: Bibbo M, ur.

                  Comprehensive Cytopathology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders

                   Company, 1991: 806-21

Katz RL. Kidneys. U. Bibbo M, ur. Comprehensive Cytology.

                    Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company (sec.ed) 1997: 781-826

Kline TS. Handbook of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology. 2.izd.

                    Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1988: 365-92

Rathert P, Roth S, Soloway MS. Urinary Cytology. 2. izd. Heidelberg:

                   Springer Verlag, 1991

Novak R, Tucak A i sur. Urološka onkologiija. Zagreb: Medicinska

                   naklada, 1994

Kocjan GIL. Atlas of Diagnostic Cytopathology (sec.ed) 1997: 207-24


-Journal of Urology (Baltimore)

Selection from the literature listed in the "Essential Clinical Cytology" chapter.


Manner of Examiantion

Oral exam.





Name of Head

Tatjana Jeren, M.D., Ph.D.



The second


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 12, seminars 12 (points: 4,5)


Contents of Course


The historical review. Cytology in rhinology: Cytomorphologics of nasal mucus, aspirated sinus fragment, inflammatory diseases and tumors.

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Immunocytochemical analysis. Cytology in otology: benign and malignant tumors. The salivary gland: inflammation, cysts and benign tumors, malignant and metastatic tumors. Neck cysts. Reactive lymphodenopathies. Metastatic neck tumors, analysis of glomus tumors, neurinoma, neurofibroma.



cytomorphology of articular liquid. The modern classification, histogenesis, therapy and prognosis of mesenchymal tumors: malignant and benign tumors of soft tissues and bones. Cytochemistry, immunocytochemistry, flow citometry, cytogenetics as auxiliary diagnostical methods.



The particularities of cytodiagnostics in children. The bone marrow FNA adjusted to certain age. The method of collecting the peripheral blood smear in infants. Fetal hematopoiesis. Physiological differences of hematological findings in children. The blood cell anomalies pronaunced in children: the morphological erythrocyte analysis related to early detection of hereditary anemia, anomalies of the granulocyte linkeage. Morphological thrombocytic changes in peripheral blood. Tezaurismosis. Histiocytosis. Parasitosis. Tumors in children. Leukemia, myelodysplasia and malignant lymphomas in children.



Some viral diseases of skin and visible mucus (h.simplex, h.zoster, varicella), intraepidermal achantolytic bullous dermatoses (the  pemphigus group), subepidermal bullous dermatoses (the bullous pemphigoid group of herpetiform dermatitis).




The liquor anatomy and physiology  in different life ages. The techniques of liquor obtaining and preparation for analysis. Cytological findings in different inflammatory, degenerative, immunologic processes, bleedings, primary and secondary tumors. Immunocytochemistry. The application of PCR in liquor. The interpretation of cytological results. A differential diagnosis.


Teaching Assistants

I.Dobrić.M.D.,Ph.D.                          D.Markov-Glavaš, M.D., M.S.

  Marković-Glamočak, M.D.,Ph.D.,   M.Nakić, M.D.,Ph.D.,

K.TrutinOstović, M.D.,M.S.   V,Ramljak, M.D.   A.Vince,M.D.,Ph.D.



Cardozo LP. Atlas of Clinical Cytology. Weinheim: Edition Medizin

                      Verlag Chemie, 1973; 141-45, 151-96, 282-301, 590-613

Silverman S Jr. Oral Cavity. U.Bibbo m, ur. Comprehensive

                     Cytopathology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company,

                     1991: 399-408

Hajdu SI, Hajdu EO. U: Weid G, ur. Cytopathology of Soft Tissue and

                     Bone Tumors. Monographs in Clinical Cytology. Basel:

                     S.Karger Verlag fur Medizin und Naturwissenschaften,


Raber MN, Barlogie B. DNA Flow Cytometry of Human Solid Tumors.

                     U: Melamed MR, Lidmo T, Mendelsohn ML, ur. Flow

                     Cytometry and Sorting. 2.izd. New York: Wileg-Liss Inc,

                     1990: 745-54

Haematologische Tafein Sandoz. Basel: Sandoz, 1972

Jakšić B, Labar B, Grgičevič D. Hematologija i transfuziologija.

                      Zagreb: Jumena, 1989

Canti G.Skin. U: Bibbo M, ur. Comprehensive Cytopathology.

                      Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company, 1991:527-40

Koss LG, Zjaiček J. Aspiration Biopsy. U: Koss LG. Diagnostic Cytology

                      and its Hystopathologic Bases. 4.izd. Philadelphia:

                      Lippincott Company, 1992:1234-335

Oehmichen M. Cerebrospinal Fluid Cytology. Stuttgart. Georg Thieme

                      Publishers, 1976

Kolmel HW. Atlas of Cerebrospinal Fluid Cells. Berlin: Springer Verlag,


Fishman RA. CSF in Disease of the Nervous System. Philadelphia:

                      WB Saunders Company, 1980

Jeren T. Cerebrospinal likvor. U: Barac B i sur. Neurologija. Zagreb:

                      Naprijed, 1992: 61-77

Selection from the literature listed in the "Essential Clinical Cytology"


Gray W.Diagnostic Cytopathology Section 13. Soft Tissues and

                      Musculoskeletal system. Churcihill Livingstone,

                       Edinburgh 1995: 825.898

Young J.A. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytopathology. Blackwell Scienitific

                       Publications, Oxford 1993

Kocjan G. Atlas of Diagnostic Cytopathology. Chuzrchill Livingstone,

                       New York 1997

Naib Z.M. Cytopathology, section 27, Little, Brown Comp. Boston, 1996

Jakaša-Pavliček V. Vrijednost citološke metode u dijagnostici

                       intrakranijalnih tumora, Disertacija, Zagreb, 1979.




. Head and Neck (Huston)

- The Journal of Laryngology and Otology (Ashford London)

- Acta Ortopedica Scandinavica (Kopenhagen)


Manner of Examination

Oral exam.


Name of Course Semester Numbre of Study Hours Numbre of Study Hours Numbre of Study Hours Study Hours Number of Points 
Odabrana poglavlja mikrobiologije II ili III 3 8 4 15 2,0
Medicinska genetika II ili III 10 1 1 12 1,0
Imunologija u citologiji II ili III 10 - - 10 1,0
Kinetički i fenotipski parametri novotvorina II ili III 6 5 4 15 2,0
Molekulska biologija u citologiji II ili III 11 5 - 16 2,0
Odabrana poglavlja medicinske informatike II ili III 12 - 4 16 2,0
Ukupno   52 19 13 84 10,0



Name of Head

Smilja Kalenić, M.D.,Ph.D



The second and third


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 3, seminars 8, exercises 4 (points:2,0)


Contents of Course

The structure and staining features of bacteria, fungi and protozoa. The main bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infective agents in humans. The significance and techniques of direct microscopic slide from the patient´s sample in diagnostics of infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and multicellular parasites. Other diagnostical methods in bacteriology, virusology, micology and parasitology.


Teaching Assistants

V. Presečki, M.D., Ph.D.              L. Žele-Starčević, M.D., M.S.



Murray PR, ur. Manual of clinical microbiology. Washington DC:

                   ASM, 1999

Fields B, ur. Virology. New York: Raven Press, 1990

Mc Ginnis RM, ur. Laboratory Handbook of  Medical Micology. London: Academic Press, 1980

Richter B. Parasitologija. Zagreb: 1991


Manner of Examination

Practical and oral exam.



Name of Head

Davor Begović, M.D.,  Ph.D.,



The second and third


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 10, seminars 1, exercises 1, (points: 1,0)


Contents of Course

Human genetics, introduction and division. Medical genetics, clinical genetics, cytogenetics. The monogenic hereditary diseases: diagnostics, pathogenesis, genetic consulting. Chromosomic syndromes.

The development of cytogenetics. Cytogenetic methods: cell cultures, techniques for obtainig chromosomic slides. Techniques of metaphasal cytogenetics: stripping of chromosomes; cell synchronization. Techniques of molecular cytogenetics: fluorescent methods of in situ hybridization (FISH); interphasal cytogenetics. Chromosomic disturbances: constitutional, acquired ones. Karyotype, cytogenetic nomenclature. The application of cytogenetics: clinical cytogenetics (congenital disturbances and monogenic diseases), prenatal diagnostics, tumorous cytogenetics (cytogenetic-clinico-pathological correlation).


Teaching Assistants

V.Hitrec, M.D., Ph.D.



Begović D. Nasljedne metaboličke bolesti, U: Zergollern Lj, ur. Humana

                   genetika. 3 izd. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 1994

Hitrec V. Kromosomi čovjeka. U: Zergollern Lj, ur. Medicinska genetika.

                    Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1991

Vogel F, Motulsky AG. Human Genetics - Problems and Approaches,

                    3rd ed. Springer, 1996

Wegner R-D. Diagnostic Cytogenetics, Springer Verlag, 1999



Manner of Examination

Oral exam





Name of Head

Branko Vitale, M.D., Ph.D.



The second and third


Number of Hours

Lectures 10 (points:1,0)


Contents of Course

General organization of hematopoietic tissue. The functions of macrophages. The differentiation of B lymphocytes. Defects in B lymphocytes differentiation. The differentiation of T lymphocytes (I and II). The immunologic reactions and its effective mechanisms. Autoimmunity.

Lmphoproliferative diseases. The review of modern scientific methods in hematology and immunology.



Abbas AK. Cellular and Molecular Immunology. Philadelphia: W.B.

                  Saunders, 1994


Manner of Examination

Oral exam





Name of Head

Branimir Jakšić, M.D., Ph.D.



The second and third


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 6, seminars 5, exercises 4, (points: 2,0)


Contents of Course

The kinetic parameters of normal and tumorous cells (proliferation, differentiation, migration and dying). The proliferation and phases of generation cycle (G0, G1, S, G2). The DNK synthesis during the proliferation cycle. The proliferation index. The idea of euploidy, aneuploidy and poliploidy. The kinetic methods of examination and diagnostics (morphometry, determination of DNK quantity and analysis of cellular cycle by flow cytometry, DNK cytometry-densitometry by computer, immuno-phenotypic determination of proliferate status, induction and tumor progression). The flow cell classifier - the principle of operation and specimen preparation. The computer in process and analysis of cytological picture (morphometric and densitometric parameters). The idea and types of tumor markers. Antigen, monoclonal antibodies and principles of immunocytochemistry. The visualisation of the antigen-antibody reaction on cells (flow cytometry, immunofluorescence in fluorescent microscope, immunoperoxidase, and immunoalcal phosphatasis). The findings and interpretation. The value of phenotyping in oncological diagnostics. The prognostic values of proliferation indicators in relation to morphological criteria of malignancy rate, clinical state of disease and prognosis. The advantages of determination of kinetic and phenotypic parameters in cytological specimens.


Teaching Assistants

I.Kardum-Skelin, M.D., M.S.   V.Mahovlić, M.D., M.S.  

K.Trutin Ostović, D.M., M.S.   Z.Šiftar, B.S.    B.Užarević, M.D., Ph.D.



Bahr GF. The Cell: Basic Structure and Function. U: Bibbo M, ur.

                Comprehensive Cytopathology. Philadelphia. WB Saunders

                Company, 1991: 3-13

Inhorn SI. Basic and Clinical Cytogenetics. U:Bibbo M, ur.

                 Comprehensive Cytopathology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders

                  Company, 1991: 14-47

Diest PJ, Baak JPA. Morphometry. U: Bibbo M, ur. Comprehensive

                  Cytopathology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company, 1991:


Bibbo M, Bartels PH, Dytch HE, Wield GL. Cell Image Analysis. U:

                  Bibbo M., ur. Comprehensive Cytopathology. PhiladelphiaWB

                  Saunders Company, 1997: 971-988

Cornelisse CJ, Tanke HJ. Flow Cytometry. U: Bibbo M, ur.

                  Comprehensive Cytopathology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders

                  Company, 1997: 997-1022

Osborn M, Domagala WM. Imunocytochemistry. U: Bibbo M, ur.

         Comprehensive Cytopathology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders

         Company, 1997: 1033-1074

Azar HA. Pathology of Human Neoplasms. An Atlas of Diagnostic

          Electron Microscopy and Immunocytochemistry. New York, Raven

          Press, 1988

Erlandson RA Diagnostic Transmission Electron Microscopy of Tumors.

          Raven Press New York 1994

Zuher MN. New Techniques. U: Cytopathology. Little, Brown and

          Company, 1995: 625-636

Baak JPA. The Principles of Advances of Quantative Pathology. Anal

           Quant Cytol Histol 9: 89-95, 1990

Lanza F. Towards Standardization in Immunophenotyping Hematological

            Malignancies. How can we improve the Reproducibility and Comparability of Flow

            Cytometric Results? Eur J Histochem 40/suppl. 1.7-14. 1996

Rothe G, Schmitz G. Consensus Protocol for then Flow Cytometric Immunophenotyping

             of Hematopoietic Malignancies. Leukemia 10: 877-95, 1996

Stavljenić-Rukavina A, Batinić D. Protočna citometrija u kliničko-

           laboratorijskoj dijagnostici. Klinički zavod za laboratorijsku

          dijagnostiku, KBC Zagreb, 1997 

 Selection from the literature listed in the "Essential Clinical Cytology" course.


-Analitical and Quantative Cytology and Histology (St. Louis)


Manner of Examination

Oral exam.





Name of Head

Silvana Audy-Jurković, M.D., Ph.D.

Krešimir Pavelić, M.D., Ph.D.



The second and third


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 11, seminars 5 (points: 2,0)


Contents of Course

Foundations of recombinant technology of DNK in a cell. Basic methods of molecular biology in cytology (DNK and RNK isolation, hybridizational methods, polymerase chain reaction - PCR, the loss of heterozygosity -  LOH - methods: the analysis of  length of restrictional fractions - RFLP and the analysis  of microsatellite instability, the analysis of conformation of single-chained DNK-SScp, the analysis of heteroduplex - DGGE, the proteine confirmation - immunohistochemistry and Western blot, determination of nukleotide sequence).

HIV. Demonstration of HIV-1 in proviral DNK in mononuclear cells of peripheral blood by a polymerase chain reaction..

The human papilloma virus (HPV). In situ hybridization in detection of HPV in the cytological genital tract specimens. The detection of HPV by PCR method in  cytological genital tract specimens.

Molecular markers of chronic and acute leukemia. Philadelphia chromosome. The analysis of chromosomic translocation T (15; 17). The RT-PCR analysis of bcr/abl and transcriptal PML/RAR.

The bases of cancer genetics.

The detection of cancer disposition.

The genetical treatment..


Teaching Assistants

K.Gall-Trošelj, M.D., Ph.D.         B.Grahovac, M.D., Ph.D.  

M.Grce, M.D., Ph.D.                   J.Pavelić, M.D., Ph.D.

  A.Ovanin-Rakić, M.D., M.S.    A.Vince, M.D., Ph.D.



Pavelić K, Spaventi R i sur. Molekularna onkologija, Zagreb:

                 Globus/HAZU, 1992, str. 51-70 i 97-118, RAD HAZU,

                  knjiga XXVI, Zagreb, 1994

Polšek D, Pavelić K. Društveni značaj genske tehnologije, Institut

                  društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, 1999, str. 17-53, 75-82, 95-127,


Scientific works:

Pavelić J. Gensko liječenje: načela, dometi i perspektive. Pharmaca,

                   1998; 36: 151-170

Gall K. i sur. DNA amplification  of DNA from stained cytological

                     smears. J.Clin.Pathol.1993; 46: 378-79

Audy-Jurković S, Ovanin-Rakić A, Mahovlić V. i sur. HPV DNA in situ

                    Hybridization in Uterine Cervical Smears - I. Material and

                    Methods. Gynaecol Perinatol 1993; 2: 45-50

Audy-Jurković S, Ovanin-Rakić A, Mahovlić V. i sur.     

                    HPV DNA in situ Hybridization in Uterine Cervical Smears

                    - II. results. Gynaecol Perinatol 1993; 2: 51-53

Gall-Trošelj K. i sur. Nested polymerase chain reaction for detection of

                    hepatitis C virus RNA in blood derivatives. Eur. J.Clin.Chem.

                    Clin. Biochem. 1995; 33: 733-736

VanDongen JJM i sur. Standardized RT-PCR analysis of fusion gene

                    transcripts from chromosome aberations in acute leukemia for

                    detection of minimal residual disease. Leukemia 1999;

                    13: 1901-1928

Pavelić J. i sur. PCR amplification of DNA from archival specimens. A

                    methodological approach. Neoplasma 1996; 43: 75-81

Beus I. i sur. AIDS. HIV-bolest. Graphis, Zagreb, 1997

Vince A. i sur. DNA extraction from archival Giemsa staines bone-marrow

                     slides: comparison of six rapid methods. Br.J.Haematol 1998;

                     101: 349-351

Poljak M. i sur. Clinical evaluation of Amplicor test for detection of

                     human immunodeficiency virus type 1 proviralDNA in

             peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Period.Biol. 1996; 98: 205209

Sebire K. i sur. Stability of human immunodeficiency virus RNA in blood

             specimens as measured by a commercial PCR-based assay. J. Clin.

             Microbiol. 1998; 36: 493-498


Manner of Examination

Oral exam.





Name of Head

Josipa Kern, M.D., Ph.D.



The second and third


Number of Study Hours

Lectures 12, exercises 4, (points: 2.0)


Contents of Course

The introduction of information technology in the health system. Informatical systems in health service; Health telematics and telemedicine; systems of support for making decisions in medicine and health services. Simulation modelling. Informational technology in education of health providers; Exercises; Formation of medical records, redundancy elimination, public performance of information; Introduction to  examples of the  application of informational  technology in medicine and health services.


Teaching Assistants

Jadranka Božikov, M.D., Ph.D.,



Shortliffe EH, Perreault LE (eds.). Medical Informatics. Computer

                Applications in Health Care. Reading, Massachusettrs: Addison-

               Wesley Publishing Company, 1990

Coiera E. Guide to Medical Informatics. The Internet and Telemedicine.

                London: Chapman&Hall Medical, 1997

van Bemmel J, musen MA (eds.). Handbook of Medical Informatics.

                Houten: Bohn Staflen van Loghum, 1997

 Deželić Đ. Medicinska informatika. Zagreb: HDMI, 1997

Articles from the medico-informatical magazines:

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (Amsterdam)

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (Amsterdam)

Computer and Biomedical Research (New York)

Medical Decision Making (Philadelphia)

Medical Informatics (London)

and others

Proceedings  from medico-informatical conferences


Manner of Examination

Written and oral exam.




(According to the Law on University Education)


 The comparison with the teaching programmes abroad:

According to the available data, the programme of the post-graduate study in Clinical Cytology, which has been implemented on our Medical School since the academic year 1967/68, is the unique in the world. In certain countries, short courses have been going on, including the ones supervised by the International Academy for Cytology (IAC). However, in more recent years, a growing number of articles appeared in the literature around the world, warning for the need to organise better quality and longer-term education in cytology.


Number of students: 8 (maximum 16)


The list of the courses offered to the students from other studies:

Essential Clinical Cytology

Gynecological Cytology

Hematological Cytology

Pulmonological Cytology

Endocrinological Cytology

Gastroenterological Cytology

Urological Cytology

Selected Chapters in Clinical Cytology

Kinetic and Phenotypic Parameters of Neoplasms

Molecular Biology in Cytology


The number or study hours assumed for taking courses from other studies and the list of such courses:

The sequence of course enrolment and exam terms:

According to the list of obligatory and optional courses.


(Postgraduate professional study "Clinical Cytology" Faculty of Medicine of the University in Zagreb (Revised programme 2000).)


Specialization Programme
Education of Cytotechnicians in Croatia


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