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Specialization Programme



a) at the Autopsy Department - 2 months

q      independent performing of macroscopic and microscopic examination of organs together with making an autopsy report, as well as attending autopsy  - in total 30 autopsies (actively and passively )

b) at the Biopsy Department - 8 months

q     participation in taking over the material for emergency (intraoperative) and other biopsies, and in technical processing of the material (for histological, histochemical  and immunohistochemical  analysis),

q     microscopic analysis of histological preparations (standard, histochemical and immunohistochemical) from everyday practice, as well as the archival preparations - in total 4000 slides, with  special attention   paid to biopsies of the throat, cervix, uterus, adnexa, lymph nodes and spleen, bone-marrow, liver, stomach, intrathoracal organs, breast,  thyroid gland, prostate, testicles and tumors of other localizations  on the relevant departments as follows:

q      gynecological pathology - 2 months

q      hematological pathology - 1 month and 15 days

q      pulmonological pathology - 1 month and 15 days

q      other pathologies (breast, thyroid gland, gastroenterologic pathology and other tumors in childhood) - 3 months


Preliminary exam




q      Technique of obtaining specimens (smear, aspirate, FNA aspirated fragments without and with the ultrasound control, tissue fragments etc.) of different localizations (vulva, vagina, cervix, endocervix, endometrium, parametrium, adnexa, amniotic cavity, buccal mucus as well as the other localizations occurred with disease proliferation, lymph node, abdominal and pleural cavities, urinal tract) for cytologic, cytochemical and immunocytokerniac analyses.

q      Processing samples  (smear, sediment, imprint), fixation and staining techniques for cytological, cytochemical and immunocytochemical examinations.

q      Microscopic-cytological, cytochemical and immunocytochemical analyses and interpretation - including diagnosis and differential diagnosis: the assessment of specimen adequacy regarding obtaining and processing of samples, their fixation and staining; normal genital tract cells in different female ages, and abdominal and amniotic cavities cells etc. Cytohormonal analyses in normal and pathologic states;  grades of cleanness regarding the number of leukocytes and Doderleinīs bacilli; inflammation, degeneration, metaplasia, reparation, agents of sexually transmitted diseases; tumors of similar formation, benign tumors, intraepithelial pre-malignant and malignant lesions, invasive malignant tumors, metastases and metastatic malignant tumors, changes on benign and malignant cells in  radiation and/or  chemo-therapeutics, intra-operative cytological analysis; sex determination; assessment of fetus maturity; assessment  of the  possibilities for  early amnion breaking;  differentially diagnostic difficulties in gynecological cytodiagnostics.

q      Acquaintance with the diagnostical and therapeutical procedures in gynecology and perinatology.


q      During residency, an applicant should analyse 2000 - 2250 specimens, out of which: 1600 - 1750 VCE smears (50 normal, 200 benign, 1500 abnormal), 200 - 250 endometric aspirates (100 benign, 150 abnormal), 200 - 250 other specimens.


 Preliminary exam



q      Obtaining material for cytological analysis (blood smears, bone-marrow fine needle aspiration - sternum, crista posterior and anterior, fine needle aspiration of lymph node, liver and spleen with/without the control of ultrasound or CT), collecting material for cytogenetical analysis, phenotyping and cell cultures, as well as  bone biopsy.

q      Processing of material - 1. standard staining (according to Papenheim and Papanicolaou), 2. cytochemical staining and fixation (PAS, MPO, ANE, SUDAN BLACK, ACIDIC PHOSPHATASE, ALCALIC PHOSPHATASE, METHYLENE BLUENESS and so on), 3. immunophenotyping of  hematopoietic cells on smears  (PAP, APAAP and others) and on suspensions  (immunofluorescence and flow cytometry).

q      analysis of a smear stained with standard cytochemical and immunocytochemical methods (qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative). Normal cell elements of the hematopoietic organs, pathological changes in: the stem cell diseases for myelopoiesis (chronic and acute myeloproliferative  diseases, myelodysplasia), erythrocytic diseases ( anemia and polyglobulia) granulocyte diseases (neutrophilic, eosinophilic and basophilic), diseases of monocytes and makrophages, diseases of lymphocytes and cell plasma (lymphophenia and lymphocitosis, syndrome of mononucleosis, lymph node benign diseases, neoplastic diseases of lymphocytic system, chronic lymphatic leukemia, prolymphocytic leukemia, tricholeukemia, acute lymphatic leukemia, malignant lymphoma, immunoproliferative diseases, spleen diseases (hyper and hypospleenism), thrombocytopoiesis, histocitosis, parasites, "strange cells" (metastases) in bone-marrow, morphologic changes in bone-marrow in transplantation.

q      During residency, an applicant should perform 100 bone-marrow fine-needle aspirations, 200 lymph node fine-needle aspirations, assist in fine-needle aspirations of liver and spleen and analyse: 3000 slides (at least 200 pathological) including smears of bone-marrow, peripheral blood, lymph nodes, aspirated fragments of spleen, liver and of other localizations caused by disease proliferation stained with standard, cytochemical and immunocytochemical methods.


Preliminary exam




q      Obtaining material for cytological examinations (valid specimen of cough sputum, nasal pharynx smears, bronchial secretion aspirate, BAL (broncho-alveloar lavage), bronchi "brushing", forceps excision of mucus or pathologic changes of the bronchial wall, transbronchial lung biopsy, transbronchial and transtracheal fine-needle aspiration, pleural fine-needle aspiration, pleural biopsy, transthoracic fine-needle aspiration, as well as extrathoracic changes caused by proliferation of the primary process). The role of a clinical cytologist  and his contribution in planning of the diagnostical procedure performance, indications and counter-indications, as well as the possibilities of complications and their solving. Controlling of independent performing of cyto-fine-needle aspirations of thoracic and extrathoracic localizations. Intra-operative cytodiagnostics.

q      Methods of material processing and preparation of valid cytological slides depending on the type of material (direct smear, negative slides, separation, sedimentation). Staining methods, selection of an appropriate method. Cytochemical and immunocytochemical methods.

q      Cellular morphological characteristics of the organs, systems and tissues of the whole thoracic area (lungs, pleura, thoracic wall, mediastinum). Cytomorphological characteristics of pathological processes: 1. changes on normal cells (iritative forms, degenerative changes, atypia, metaplasia, proliferations). 2. prevalence of  cells characteristic for certain pathological processes, 3. recognition of agents which cause disease (pneumocystis carinii, echinococus, fungi and so on). 4. cytomorphology of the primary benign and malignant tumors, possibility for recognition of metastatic changes, 5. changes on normal and tumor cells after the therapy (irradiational and cytostatic ones).  Controlling of morphology, first with the mentorīs assistance, and then independently through the analysis of cytological slides and interpretation of the test results supervised by mentor.

q      During residency, an applicant is to analyse altogether 3250 smears, perform 15-20 transthoracic and possibly pleural fine-needle aspirations, as well as  other ones (of lymph node and other localizations occurred by the amplification of pathological process) depending on the pathology.


Preliminary exam




1. Breast cytodiagnostics

q      Breast structure and function. Obtaining material technique for exfoliative examinations (secretion/exprimate, scarification), breast FNA according to palpatory results, oncologic indications and presence of other diagnostic procedures (serogram, thermogram, ultrasound).

q      Exfoliative breast examination - the problem and significance of secretion presence, its unilateral or bilateral manifestation, quantity, colour with special review on significance of bloody secretion. The secretion analysis accompanied by inflammatory changes (subareolar abscess, inflammation of Montgomeryīs gland). The control of mamillary changes   in terms of eczema and M.Paget.

q      Aspirational breast examinations -  morphological breast tissue picture, inflammatory changes, necrosis of fat tissue and fibrocystic breast disease; special attention is to be paid to morphological macrocyst changes, fibroadenoma and proliferative changes with and without epithelial atypia. Clinical and macroscopic picture of breast carcinoma and possibilities of sub-classification of certain carcinomas. FNA and  analysis of  nodes after non-radical surgery of breast carcinoma. The appearance and significance of radiated malignant and benign cells of glandular breast epithelium. If a biopsy is performed, the comparison of cytological opinions and histological results. The team work for breast diseases. Values of determination of oestrogen and progesterone receptors in general, other tumor markers in serum and/or aspirated breast tissue. The male breast diseases (gynecomastia, carcinoma), and breast changes during the puberty and pregnancy.

q      During residency, an applicant should perform at least 500 morphological analyses of aspirated fragments and breast secretions and 50 FNA-s.


Preliminary exam


2. Cytodiagnostics of thyroid  and parathyroid

q      Cytodiagnostical FNA of the thyroid and parathyroid with/without the ultrasound control (getting acquainted with the ultrasound operation and targeted FNA, material processing, screening of adequate and inadequate specimens).

q      Cytological analysis of aspirated fragments of the thyroid  and parathyroid - normal elements in cytological smear, as well as changes in functional disturbances, inflammations and tumors of the thyroid gland, recognition of the parathyroid material and interpretation. The usage of educational slide sets for that purpose.

q      Practising: the cytological analysis and the manner of result recording of the aspirated thyroid and parathyroid fragments (for that purpose, one has to microscope, with mentorīs supervision, everyday material and preparations from the archive by looking through registers, i.e. PC).

q      It is suggested to examine: 300-400 aspirated fragments - the material should comprise all the mentioned processes and pathologic changes of the thyroid  and parathyroid, 10-15 aspirated fragments per day (with 4 slides each in average) with self-control and occasional mentor control.


Preliminary exam


3. Cytodiagnostics of   ejaculate and male gonads

q      The ejaculate analysis (preparation of examineee, processing and quantitative morphologic analysis of ejaculate). Evaluation of oligo- and azoospermia. Determination of  spermatozoon mobility and vitality.

q      Practising: complete morphological examination of ejaculate (minimum 6 per day while the examinations are being performed - supervised by a mentor).

q      Cytodiagnostical FNA of male gonads, processing and staining of slides. Spermatogenesis, Sertoli and Leydigīs cells in a stained smear as well as observation of changes in functional disturbances of spermatogenesis and inflammations. Testicle tumors. Usage of educational sets of preparations.

q      Practising: on every-day slides and materials from the archives.

q      During residency, an applicant should examine 5 aspirated fragments daily, self-controlled and occasionally controlled by the mentor. The examined material should comprise all the mentioned processes on totally 50 aspirated fragments. The results of analysed slides to be registered in an enclosed list, which is to be examined by a mentor within the knowledge tests.


Preliminary exam



1. Cytodiagnostics of kidneys and conveying urinary tract

q      Cytodiagnostical renal FNA (under the CT or ultrasound control), material processing and cytological smear analysis (normal cell element and cells present in different pathological conditions). Cytological examination of spontaneously obtained urine (material processing technique, smear analysis - normal cell elements and cells present in different pathological conditions). Cytological examination of other kinds of material in this area (catether urine, washing of urine bladder, urethra smear, imprint of surgically obtained material).

2. Prostate cytology

q      Cytodiagnostical prostate FNA (participation in FNA, material processing), cytological smear analysis (normal cell elements and cells present in certain pathological conditions). Cytodiagnostics of the prostate secretion (collecting material and technical processing), cytological smear analysis.

q      The applicant participates in his/her work, under the mentorīs supervision, in collecting material, then becomes familiar with technical processing and analysis smears from the everyday laboratory work. Practising of urological cytodiagnostics on smears prepared for education, in order to face, during the specialization period,  all the pathologic processes in that area. Special attention to be paid to urinary cytological  analysis and the   prostate aspirate .

q       During  residency, an applicant has to analyse 750 urinary cytological slides and 200 slides of the  prostate and kidney aspirated fragments.


Preliminary exam



q      Obtaining material (smear in gastro- and rectoscopy, washing, aspirated fragment with/without ultrasound control) of different localizations (oral cavity, oesophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, liver, pancreas and other localizations occurred by amplification of the primary process) for cytological, cytochemical and immunocytochemical analyses.

q      Material processing, fixation, staining (standard, cytochemical and immunocytochemical).

q      Smear analysis: of normal gastro-intestinal tract; Berettīs esophagitis, oesophagus tumors (papillary planocellular, adenocarcinoma),  morphological stomach changes in hyperplasia, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, inflammation, stomach ulcus disease, polypous changes, stomach carcinoma, leomyoma, lymphoma, pseudolymphoma); The morphologic characteristics of normal liver elements as well as the changes caused by inflammations and chronic degenerative changes, primary and secondary tumors; normal pancreas cell elements, morphological changes in inflammatory  degenerative states, benign and malignant tumors of endocrine and exocrine parts; gallbladder tumors; benign and malignant tumors of large and small intestine).

q      During residency, an applicant has to perform at least 500 analyses: 200 analyses of stomach, rectum and colon smears; 300 analyses of the aspirated fragments of liver, pancreas and other localizations.


Preliminary exam


q      Obtaining material (nasal mucus smear, ear smear, oral cavity and oropharynx smears, laryngeal mucus smear, FNA of salivary glands and tumorous formations of head and neck with/without ultrasound,  imprint of tissue collected for pathohistological analysis and intraoperative analysis, sinus washings, conjuctive smear).

q      Material processing (standard staining - MGG, PAP; cytochemical: PAS, alcal phosphatase, acid phosphatase, Sudan black, immunocytochemical - PAP, APAAP - on the smears of aspirated fragments and tissue imprints.

q      Microscopic analysis, finding interpretation and formation of final opinion: 1. normal cell  elements of smears of nose, buccal cavity, oropharynx , larynx, and aspirated fragments of salivary gland, 2. nasal mucus diseases (inflammations - vasomotory and allergic rhinitis, epithelial tumors, mesenchymal tumors - sarcomas). 3. diseases of oropharynx oral cavity - inflammations, tumors, 4. salivary gland diseases: acute and chronic inflammations, benign lymphoepithelial lesion, Sjogren syndrome, tumors - pleomorphal adenoma, cystadenolymphoma, onkocytoma, cylindroma, adenocarcinoma, anaplastic carcinoma, planocellular carcinoma, metastatic tumors, melanoma, sarcoma, paraganglioma.

q      During residency, an applicant has to examine 400 specimens.


Preliminary exam



q      The basis of anatomy, histology and physiology of the central nervous system (CNS)  (hematoliquor barrier), origin and significance of cells in liquor (in new-borns, nursing age and grown-ups). Basic clinical knowledge about inflammatory and non-inflammatory processes in the CNS, techniques of lumbar, suboccipital and ventricular FNA.

q      Preparation of liquor for cytological analyses (sedimentation in cytocentrifugation, staining: MGG, Papanicolaou, cytochemical and imunocytochemical)

q      The analysis of liquor slides, giving opinion about differential diagnosis of the process based on cytological test results: inflammatory processes (serous inflammations, purulent inflammations, hemorrhage inflammations, problem of chronic CNS inflammations), primary tumors, secondary tumors and other metastatic processes in the CNS, systematic diseases characteristic for the CNS (collagenosis, sarcoidosis, Bechet), bleeding in the CNS (subarachnoid, intracerebral, traumatic), reactive pleocytosis, cytological characteristics, differential diagnosis - proteins, glucose, chlorides, lactates, immunoglobulin, pigments),  basic things about the possibilities of etiological diagnostics of inflammatory processes (implanting of liquor on different media, serological methods, rapid tests for etiologic diagnostics).

q      During residency, an applicant should examine 500 liquor slides (mostly from the area of inflammatory changes).


Preliminary exam




q      How to approach a child, as well as various techniques of aspirational needle biopsy or of material obtaining for the exfoliative cytology adjusted to  certain age of a child (infant, up to two years, pre-schooling age and schooling age).

q      Material processing (standard, cytochemical, immunocytochemical).

q      Normal morphology of the developing organs, which is distinctive  from the adult morphology.

q      The analyses of  peripheral blood smear as well as the manner of obtaining material (in particular significant for premature babies); bone- marrow FNA (sternum, crista posterior, anterior, tibia) and a smear analysis with special review of the diseases characteristic for that age: histiocytosis X, eosinophilic granuloma, Hand - Sehuller - Christianoca and Letterer - Siwe disease), tezaurismosis  (Gauche, Niemann - Pick disease etc. ) malignant reticulohistiocytosis, embrional and other tumors characteristic for children (neroblastoma, Ewiing sarkoma, Wilms tumor, teratoma and teratocarcinoma), parasitosis (Leishmaniosis and Babeziosis), thyroid gland changes (very frequent are lymphocytic thyroditis and hypertireosis which differ from their morphologic features in adults), testis analysis (changes during growth as well as cryptorchic testis), technique of spleen and liver FNA in children with/without anesthesia, collecting vaginal smear (differing in various ages of a child) and analysis concerning the late or early puberty as well as inflammatory changes; modes of preparing urine for analysis of cytomegalic cells plus staining and examination of urine on metachromatic bodies   (important in leukodystrophy).

q      During residency, an applicant should perform 200 analyses and 50 various FNA.


Preliminary exam




q      Obtaining material for cytological analysis of locomotoric system changes and its processing.

q      Analysis of the bone and cartilage tumors: benign ones (cysts, eosinphilic granuloma, gigantocellular tumor, chondroma, inflammatory processes and so on) and malignant ones (osteogenic sarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, chondrosarcoma, metastases etc.) as well as tumors of pertaining soft parts: benign ones (lipoma, fibroma, myxoma, benign angiomatosis) and malignant ones (fibrosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, liposarcoma, angiosarcoma, malignant histiocytoma), tumors of neurogenic origin etc. The method assumed is FNA. The numerous benign bone tumors are not appropriate for cytological processing, therefore, only elimination of malignant process and biopsy can be applied. The programme also comprises cytological analysis of articular liquid in the traumatic and inflammatory processes.

q      At the same time it is essential to get familiar with the clinical picture and biologic behaviour of particular tumors.

q      During residency, an applicant should examine at least 150 specimens and perform at least 30 FNAs.


Preliminary exam




q      The application and achievements of electron microscopy in cytology.

q      Getting familiar with the preparation and processing of cytological specimens in electron microscope examination.

q      The analysis of electronic microscope screening of certain cell and tissue types that are being   used in cytodiagnostics.


Preliminary exam




q      The principles and techniques of immunocytochemistry, cyto- and molecular genetics (hybridization and amplificational methods of DNA contents analysis) and image analysis.

q      The principles of flow cytometry operating.


Preliminary exam


During residency, an applicant is obliged to enrol in 2 semesters of post-graduate studies in clinical cytology and pass the prescribed exams.

After completed specialization practice, the resident sits for the specialization exam which can be taken at latest six months after successfully completing the specialization practice.

(Narodne novine 1994 (33),1246-9.)


Postgraduate Study
Education of Cytotechnicians in Croatia


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